Friday, January 28, 2011

YOU make February Fabulous is Coming ....

The Angel Company is really going to have fun in February and so can you .... let's get those stamps, inks, and embellishments out and all participate in the fun!!!  YOU Make February Fabulous (click on the link) is all about being involved and getting those creative juices flowing again!  Being creative is a healthy practice we all need to do daily so this could be your outlet.  TAC has provided the list of FEATURED stamp sets for YOU to participate in this event! Visit Savvy Projects Blogs (click on the link) to see the Scheduled Events on the right hand side. If you  want to get updates daily  .... right under the scheduled events is a place to sign up for email updates.

HOW?  It's easy!  Each day, at the end of every post, we will have a linky tool that allows you to link YOUR CARD to the post and play along!  TAC  wants YOU to be creative with the FEATURED stamp sets!  Even if it's an 'old' creation ~ please feel welcome to join in the fun!  If you don't have a blog ~ upload your post to our TAC PCC Blog  and then link this!  along! 

WHY should you play along?
1.  To get your creative juices flowing again!
2.  Its FUN ... and once you start ... you WANT to keep playing!
3.  You can win BLOG CANDY!
That's right ... BLOG CANDY!  Each week TAC will randomly draw one winner from those who have linked to our FEATURED projects.  The BLOG CANDY winner will receive an extra special package from me ... containing over $50 of FABULOUS product!  Each week TAC will announce the BLOG CANDY winner on Sunday evening ... giving you Saturday and Sunday to wrap up your projects and get them linked to our FEATURES!  If you make and link 10 cards in one week ~ your name will go into the drawing 10 times!  If you link 3 cards that week ~ your name will go into the drawing 3 times!  To increase your chances of winning ~ increase your cardmaking!

Tomorrow I will post a VERY SPECIAL announcement on how MY customers and downline can make this event even MORE Fabulous!!!

OH .... did I mention I will be one of the Featured Designers and I am working on some really cute ideas for you with FULL tutorials on how to make them!  My set is Fabulous set to use is Be Lifted (fall supplement)!

TACâ„¢ Promotions

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